Great Arch Analysis Report (2017)

Santa Barbara Courthouse

We are currently raising funds to complete the Great Arch Analysis Report.
One of our most important projects to date is our work on the Great Arch. The beautiful arch needs our attention and we are actively working on an Analysis Report that will inform us about the condition of the arch and what's needed to preserve it.

The fee for the Analysis Report is $65,000 and to date, we have secured $45,000, including $ 5000 from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. An additional $20,000 is required to finish this vital report. Any documents or plans for preservation work that result from the project must conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Please consider a gift to support our important work. Click here to donate. 

Did You Know...

There are many open balconies and stairs at the Santa Barbara which allow the birds to fly around the interior spaces---check out a number of the interior lamps and you’ll find nesting birds.